Client: Painting With Light / Studio 100
Virtual Character Nicky Nack featured as co-host for the 2017 Studio 100 Sinterklaasshow. Using FaceWareTech's Unity Plugin and Liveserver face tracking software and Leap Motion virtual hand controllers, actor Lander Severins was able to perform live and interact with the audience in an extremely fluent and natural way.
Post show EFP clip
The realtime generated live feed was integrated in the ledwall virtual set, using an SDI link from the PC generating the Nicky Nack character. Actor Lander Severins ( below ) in his sound proof container, needed only a few seconds to calibrate the Faceware tracking module allowing him to relax in between the acts. We used a Logitech webcam mounted on a microphone stand, on which we attached the leap motion controller as well, allowing a comfortable and adjustable setup.
Facewaretech and Leap Motion Unity setup. The character was created in Maya.